Clark, a tall skinny black lab formerly known as Rutherford, came to us as a foster in March of 2017.  He was a sad doggie with his tail always between his leg and in need of some TLC.  At an estimated age of 10 years old, he was found as a stray with many skin appendages on his paws and very bad hind legs.  Thankfully Jax’s pulled him from the shelter and he found his way to our home.  My two resident doggies were hesitant at first with Clark but soon enough they became fast friends.  Clark’s appendages were successfully removed and he was put on pain meds for his hind leg.  His walks in the park continued to strengthen his hind legs and one day he surprised us by going up the stairs – something he couldn’t do before. As each day passed, he got stronger and his tail began to wag more and more.  We finally realized that he had adopted us and had no plan on searching any further for his forever home.  He had already found it!  He worked his way into our hearts with his sweet and loving nature.  Now that strong wagging tail knocks things off tables and thumps against the walls.  I love that sound – it is the sound of a happy dogging.  Thank you Jax’s for bringing Clark home!


Eden has been a great addition to our family and always keeps us on our toes. She loves playing in the backyard, napping in the sun, and playing with her toys. After a long hard day she loves to nap on the couch and enjoy snuggles. We couldn’t imagine life without her in our home. Jax’s Lab Rescue made the process for adoption easy but also made she that we were all a perfect match for each other. Thank you for bringing Eden into our lives!


Shelby's original owner passed away and the second owner dropped her off at the shelter to be euthanized after she went blind from untreated glaucoma.  I had never fostered before and felt I could handle giving this girl up after her medical needs were met.  Boy, was I wrong! When it was decided the only way to ease her pain was to remove both eyes, I saw her through recovery and still thought Jax's could find her a good home.  After recovery I decided I could not give her up and have her face yet another change so I adopted her.  Was it easy dealing with a dog who once had sight for 8 yrs and then went blind and handle the adjustments she and I both had to learn.  Not at all.  It took a while for her to adjust to being blind, and a new home with 2 fur siblings and for me to loosen up on the apron strings so she can be a little more self sufficient  Notice I said loosen up on the apron strings, still have trouble cutting them but I have a feisty strong willed girl who shows me what determination can do.  She can make me smile with her stubbornness, make me cringe when she bumps into the wall and makes me happy when she jumps all over me and runs around in circles, literally bouncing off walls when I come home from work.  In going through the pictures I was moved to tears..sad tears for what she had to endure and happy tears for how blessed we both are for finding each other and lessons I have learned.


I tell the story about picking Will up on SuperBowl Sunday all the time. He’s such a special guy. We love him and can’t imagine life without him. He’s lively and very sweet, content to curl up next to us on the couch but just as likely to want a romp in the back yard. He’s a bit headstrong but not too inflexible. Definitely would not have appreciated a house with other dogs- our walks are spirited. But he’s perfect for us. The squirrels and birds along with any creature daring enough to visit our yard doesn’t stay for long . Will is hysterical- he sometimes tries to jump high enough to catch birds in flight!

But his rambunctious side is matched with his affectionate side. He loves following us from room to room and is terrific company
Last month he really showed us what a sweetheart he is. Mitch had both knees replaced right after Thanksgiving. We were a bit concerned with how he’d be when Mitch came home from the hospital. We were worried about him jumping etc. so I let him out before Mitch hobbled into the house and settled on the sofa in our den. Then I let Will in. He went straight to Mitch with great excitement. But the first thing he did was sniff around Mitch’s knees . He must have smelled the bandages and wounds.  Instantly- he settled down, sat beside Mitch and was gentle around him from then on. He’s been such an angel about it! Thank you so much for bringing Will into our lives!


I was looking for a companion for my then 10 year old lab, Lily, and went to an event to meet some of Jax's adoptable dogs. I knew right away that Sadie was the perfect fit. She was gentle with Lily and very good with all of the excitement going on around her! Adoption events can be stressful for dogs but she handled herself beautifully. I was so ecstatic when I found out that my application was approved and Lily and I went to pick Sadie up at her foster mom's a few weeks later. From the moment she walked in my front door, Sadie was home. She adjusted perfectly and she and Lily quickly became best friends. Sadie was picked up as a stray prior to being rescued by Jax's and even though we have no idea of her background, she has very good manners- she already knew "sit" and some other commands, she was great on a leash, and she was completely house trained. She is a total love bug and is great with other dogs and people. Adopting a senior dog was the best decision I have made and I couldn't have asked for a more lovable, sweeter, gentler dog than Sadie!


Oh how we love Howie!! After spotting him on Jax’s Facebook page we scheduled a meet and greet, where we discovered a match for our family.  A family of five is a lot to sniff out.  He accepted us and little did we know just how much he saved us.  He’s a big boy who loves to walk, snuggle and eat - just like us!  As we learned about him, he learned about us - each of us with our own traits.  Slowly we settled into a routine and the rest is history.  We are thankful to Jax Rescue, his fantastic foster mom Donna and the easy but thorough process to adopt Howie.


After discussing it forever, my husband Mick and I finally agreed it was time to adopt a dog. Since we would be first-time dog owners, our list of requirements was on the longer side-we needed someone who would be tolerant of our rookie mistakes (and our cats and chickens.)

Over our first few visits with Hank, it was obvious he was all in-from dawn to dusk, all he is ever interested in is love. We were still a little uncertain-he's a big guy, and we didn't want to make any mistakes. Sharon and the staff at Jax's were so very accommodating with every question or concern, and made sure we were prepared and had proper expectations.

We hit some shoals when Hank moved in-while he loves everyone, our cats did not return the sentiment. Once more, Sharon and Jax's staff were so helpful with answering questions, offering guidance, and giving training lessons. Over the past year everyone has done a lot of growing, and it is amazing that this brown dog has only been in our life for 13 months-he's such an important part of it now!

Mick and I are so grateful for the support and guidance provided by Jax's rescue, and, of course, for Hank. While we had always talked about getting a dog, I was not prepared for just how much this guy has changed our family for the better-with his figure-8 wags, his 'happy dance' when he gets a new toy, and how he leans on our legs in just the right way when we've had a bad day. We often joke about how we could never give him as much love as he gives us-he is a complete joy, charming even the most stoic of hearts-we have so much gratitude for our 90-lb smoocher.